Many parents feel they are isolated in the decision to have another child after suffering from a previous postnatal illness. Knowing that others have been there before (and in the future) can be most helpful. I am looking for help please so that we can help others!
The publication of my book, ‘Eyes without Sparkle – a journey through postnatal illness’ (2005), resulted in me becoming a full-time speaker and ‘Expert by Experience’ on the subject. One question that has been often asked of me is what people should do if they are considering another pregnancy after suffering from a postnatal mental illness previously. I have been accepted by Radcliffe Health to write another book with this as the topic. My second book will be designed to answer that dilemma and serve as a guide for both parents and professionals.
Currently there is no book written for parents and professionals in the UK that covers this topic. According to the NSPCC’s ‘All Babies Count report’ there are approximately 122,000 babies under one in England living with a parent who has a mental health problem. A large proportion of those parents are likely to consider the question of another child at some stage. My aim is to provide a guide to enable them to make a well-informed choice.
To that end initially I would be grateful for questions and examples of this dilemma faced by others to enable me to ensure that I cover all possible situations and provide guidance based upon the experience of others. I have devised a questionnaire aimed at parents. I would love to hear from the partners too.
There is an option (at the end) to say how much detail you are happy for me to use. I want to use direct quotes and stories as this will give a realistic balance. These can be referenced to you or left as anonymous. I will not share any information by name without seeking permission from you. I shall also be researching and using evidenced-based clinical research and consulting relevant trained professionals, e.g. perinatal psychiatrists.
In due course I will be compiling a survey for healthcare professionals.
If you would like to contribute and/or and share the survey with other parents please e-mail me at with the relevant e-mail address plus first and second names. This will enable me to send a unique code for people to access the survey at their leisure.
I will be closing the survey at the end of May 2014.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Many thanks