Their aims are:
Over 1300 women experience PP each year in the UK. For women, their partners, friends and family it can be hard to find high quality information. There are many unanswered questions and areas where much more research is needed. APP aim to provide women, their families and the professionals involved in their care with up-to-date information about postpartum psychosis. The APP site is a work in progress – please check back regularly as they will be adding lots of content in the coming months.
I am delighted that over the last few years some readers of my book have contacted APP and joined in research as I listed it in my resource section. On Tuesday at the HealthCare Event conference I was delighted to meet Carol Dolman from APP. Her expertise is around bi-polar disorder and PP http://www.app-network.org/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/ClareV1.pdf . I hope to meet up with Dr. Ian Jones from APP when I am in Cardiff at the end of the month.
Elaine Hanzak