>During my most period of puerperal psychosis I began to physically hurt myself. Perhaps at the time it was a way of trying to focus my ‘wild’ mind and causing myself pain momentarily gave it something to focus on? Perhaps it was a cry for help? Perhaps it was the only thing I felt I could control in a mind that has lost its grasp on reality? Whatever the reason I got better!
I admit that prior to my illness the notion of self-harm was alien to me and I could not understand why anyone would do such a thing.Although the reasons vary I now do have an empathy about it and am keen to help others also find a way to make progress in their lives. In the NW of England we have the No Secrets support group and I share their latest news with you:-
I am emailing to let you know of change of contact details for the No Secrets support group in St Helens.
You may be pleased to hear that No Secrets are now expanding to the Wigan borough, thanks to the support of 5 Boroughs and independent funders. I will let you know when the Wigan group is up and running.
Meanwhile the St Helens group is now being facilitated by one of our current members, Tina, who is keen and passionate about helping and supporting others. The group still meets every Wednesday between 6-8pm in the Millennium Drop-in Lounge on Bickerstaffe St, St Helens. New members can meet up with Tina before the group should they wish to familiarise themselves with the surroundings. This is optional.
Though we take referrals from professionals, we encourage individuals to approach us themselves, giving them some autonomy. If necessary, professionals or family members can accompany a new individual for the first few sessions. We do recommend that the individual come alone when possible.
If you’d like to pass on any details of the group in St Helens, or you wish to speak to somebody regarding the service we offer please contact Tina: tina.sthelens@gmail.com or you can call her on 07863 736647
For more information about the Wigan group or to pass on contact details to those who require support, please contact myself; Kerri kerri86@gmail.com or call me on 07846 889 300
Our website address is: http://nosecrets.moonfruit.com
Thanks for your support 🙂
Kerri Jones, Co-Founder No Secrets
07846 889 300
Here are links for their leaflets
Elaine Hanzak